Fotónica21, the Spanish Photonics Technology Platform organises the Photonics 4 Agrifood Worskhop which will take place October 9th in Madrid, as part of FRUIT ATTRACTION 2024, the leading international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector. Photonics 4 Agrifood will address the role of photonics in the agrifood sector, its challenges, and the photonics-based solutions that contribute to the advancement of the sector: machine vision systems for quality control and food safety; image sensors with higher 2D and 3D spatial resolution for better online food characterisation; remote sensing systems to improve crop monitoring (irrigation, diseases, treatments); LED lighting systems to shorten plant production cycles; new techniques for disinfecting food products and food contact surfaces; photonic systems and devices for inspecting foreign bodies, pathogens, contaminants, and allergens. The Program will soon be published. Meanwhile, you can book your seat by filling out the Registration form, which is available at the event's site.