The Board of Stakeholders (BoS) is the main decision-making body of the platform. In particular, the BoS bears responsibility for:
- the determination of all matters related to Photonics21
- defining, pursuing and implementing the objectives of Photonics21 according to its mission
- establishing or discontinuing Work Groups and appointing the Work Group Chairs
- electing the Executive Board including the President appointing or excluding BoS members
- receiving and approving the annual activity report from the President, including the activities of the Vice Presidents, the Executive Board, the Work Groups and the Photonics21 Secretariat;
- all necessary decisions on Photonics21 Membership issues and
- changing the Terms of Reference.
Each member of the Board of Stakeholders has to pay an annual service fee to the Photonics21 association. The Photonics21 association board members determine the amount each year. Currently, the service fee is set at 650 €.
You can download an overview on the members of the Photonics21 Board of Stakeholders.