Optical Wave and Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM) 2025 Workshop

2025 08–10 April

The yearly OWTNM workshop has, since 1992, provided a forum for lively debates, intended to bring forward new ideas in the field of theoretical and computational photonics. Basic physics and novel applications, artificially structured materials and new devices, elegant mathematical techniques and efficient numerical methods to tackle the Maxwell equations form the constantly evolving subjects. These are discussed in a traditionally open and relaxed atmosphere.


Abstract submission details:

Deadline: 28 February 2025
Abstract: One-page
Submission: Upload your PDF via the submission portal


Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Peter Bienstman (Ghent University): Neuro-inspired time-series processing with silicon integrated photonics
  • Francesco Ferranti (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Adaptive wavelength sampling and machine learning in nanophotonics
  • Antonio Hurtado (University of Strathclyde): Photonic spiking neurons for neuromorphic computing and sensing
  • Lina Jaurigue (Ilmenau University): Noise-induced modulations in mode-locked semiconductor lasers
  • David Marpaung (Twente University): Modelling of Brillouin optomechanics in integrated waveguides
  • Olivier Martin (EPFL): Lattice resonances in plasmonic systems
  • Allard Mosk (Utrecht University): Programmed all-optical switching in multistable photonic molecules
  • Viktor Myroshnychenko (Paderborn University): Efficient modelling of nonlinear wavefronts in metasurfaces
  • Alexander Nosich (NASU): Electromagnetic engineering for plasmonic nano lasers
  • Alessia Pasquazi (University of Loughborough): Self-emergence of laser cavity solitons in microcombs
  • Ulrich Schwarz (TU Chemnitz): Losses in deep-UV photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers


Topics of interest for the OWTNM workshop address the physical understanding, the mathematical description, and the computational treatment of guided as well as non-guided optical waves and related effects in micro- and nanostructures.

They include, but are not limited to:

  • Advances in analytical, numerical, and computational methods: Generic & configuration-specific; efficient approximate tools & large-scale simulations, parallel computing.
  • Device design and optimization: Tools & algorithms for design and optimization, inverse problems, topological optimization, machine learning methods.
  • Photonic nanostructures and metamaterials: Nano-resonators and -antennas, resonator arrays, homogenization, optical metamaterials, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, photon management by nanostructures in PV and OLED structures, metamaterial waveguides, topological photonics.
  • Nanophotonics: First-principal simulations for light-matter interactions, electron-photon interactions, strong-coupling physics, metamaterials for optics, advanced characterization techniques.
  • Quantum optics: Schemes for entangled states preparation, efficient single photon and photon pair generation, detector schemes, quantum emitters, quantum computing, optimized integrated photonic structures, loss management.
  • Plasmonics, two-dimensional and van der Waals materials: Metallic waveguides and nanowires, tapers and field enhancement, array-effects in metallic nanostructures, optics of graphene, polariton effects in van der Waals heterostructures.
  • Resonant states: Optical micro- and nano-resonators, passive and active optical cavities, quasi-normal modes, spectral engineering; bound states in the continuum.
  • Interaction of optical states: Classical- and quantum regimes; external excitation, coupled mode theory, resonator circuits, photonic atoms & molecules; strong and weak-coupling effects, coupling to macroscopic resonant and waveguiding systems, density matrix methods.
  • Passive and active waveguide devices: Simulation and design of photonic integrated systems, linear and nonlinear effects in waveguides and waveguide arrays, light localization in space and time, grating structures, in- and out-coupling device schemes.
  • Photonic crystals: Photonic bandgap structures, photonic crystal devices, photonic crystal fibres.
  • Guided wave sensors: Fibre optic and integrated-optical sensing devices, systems, theories and techniques, bio-sensors.
  • Optoelectronic devices: Waveguide lasers, fibre amplifiers and lasers, micro-lasers, mid IR and THz sources.
  • Multiphysics effects: Coupling of optical, electronic, acoustic, mechanical, and thermal simulations.
  • Device characterization: Advanced techniques for integrated optical structures, simulation-assisted characterization.
  • Packaging and Integration: Fabrication process theory and simulation, packaging and integration issues.

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