Discover the Latest Innovations in Laser Source Development for Industrial, Medical, and Scientific Applications.
Join the Photonics TALENT Summer School and gain exclusive insights into the cutting-edge world of photonics. This programme offers undergraduates and PhD students a unique opportunity to explore key industrial, medical, and scientific domains, including:
- High-Performance Lasers for Industrial Applications
- Lasers in Atom Control and Gravitational Waves Detection
- Lasers for Advancing Medical Applications
Quick overview of the agenda:
- Special Presentations from industry leaders and renowned scientific experts.
- Two Academic Sessions led by top researchers and engineers.
- Site Visits to leading regional photonics companies like Amplitude, ALPhANOV, TOPTICA, and Exail, showcasing the vital role of technology transfer in advancing R&D.
- Poster Session offering you the chance to present your work and engage with experts from various sectors.
- Job Fair with opportunities to explore career paths through one-on-one meetings with companies and research organizations.
- Social Events to expand your professional network.
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