Laserlab-Europe Conference

2024 28–30 May

The Laserlab-Europe Conference will showcase results and access highlights from the Laserlab-Europe project, and will enhance dissemination and exploitation within the laser community and beyond. It will be an opportunity to bring together the participants in the project, in the expert groups of Laserlab-Europe AISBL as well as medical and industrial partners to discuss future joint activities. The conference is fully open, also to participants from outside Laserlab-Europe. For interested companies, exhibition space will be provided. All participants and company representatives are invited to contribute to the discussions at the end of each session. Preliminary programme 27 May 08:30-10:00 Laserlab-Europe Access Board Meeting (internal event) 10:00-12:30 Session 1: Lasers for Catalysis 14:00-17:30 Session 2: Attoscience 17:30-18:30 Public Lecture by Nobel laureate Anne L’Huillier (Lund University) 28 May 08:30-10:40 Session 3: Lasers in a multi-instrumental world 11:00-13:00 Session 4a: Lasers for Health - Lasers for Oncology 14:30-17:30 Session 4b: Lasers for Health - Lasers for Imaging and Diagnosing Life 17:30-19:30 City Tour 29 May 09:00-10:30 Session 5: Lasers and laser-based instruments for the future 16:00-17:00 Lab tour at IST

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