We invite you to the 11th instalment of the biennial Photonics Ireland conference. Photonics Ireland is the premier event in Ireland bringing together PhD students, early career and established researchers as well as industry representatives working in photonics and semiconductor research. This conference presents the state-of-the-art research and challenges in these fields, and provides a platform for scientific exchange and networking on a national, European and international level. In 2025 this conference is organised by the Irish Photonic Integration Centre (IPIC). We welcome submissions for oral and poster presentations and especially encourage PhD students and early career researchers to submit an abstract.
Abstract submission deadline: 30th April 2025 online via https://www.photonicsireland.ie/registrations-and-abstract-submission
Conference Topics:
- Photonic Materials
- Photonic Devices
- Imaging
- Nanophotonics & Plasmonics
- Optical Communications & Networks
- Optical Sensing and Spectroscopy
- Photonic integration and packaging
- Photonics in Quantum
- Photonics for Space
- Photonics in Health
- Photonics for Energy and Environment
- High power and short pulse lasers